
A Web3.0 Decentralized Social Network

A Truly Decentralized Web3.0 Social Network

Supports Creator Economy with NFTs+DAOs

Communicates With or Without Internet

  • The emergence of metaverse into our day-to-day lives is imminent, with adoption rate spurred on by the increasing need for online socializing and demand for immersive interaction digitally during the pandemic.

  • There is no place for a metaverse that is built on the existing centralized Web2.0 technology flooded with bots, opaque algorithms and proprietary protocols that create silos, lock-in values, and decide what users should see; as seen in the movie “Ready Player One”, perception of the world can be easily manipulated by a dominant service provider for self-interest and gain.

Introducing MetaLife

  • a diverse and inclusive Web3.0 social networking platform – aggregating all decentralized communication protocols on ONE platform

  • the pathway towards a fair and open metaverse accessible by anyone anywhere anytime

  • embraces commonality while preserves differences among diverse social groups

  • achieve freedom of data and value by upholding independency of individuals

  • a truly decentralized governance system – with objective and subjective governance

  • accessible by all, including the 3.7 billion unconnected people

The open protocol in Web 1.0 created free access to pure data and the world has experienced exponential advancement thanks to this new wealth of knowledge previously inaccessible. Unfortunately, success of Web 1.0 has opened the pandora box of profiteering in the Web 2.0 era, when a few tech giants mushroomed from the ground thanks to their ability to monetize around the massive pool of data accumulated. To protect their revenue stream, they create proprietary protocols that make it difficult to access to content created by users. They claim ownership to and generate revenue from contents created by users via “free services”, and little or none of the revenue is shared with the original creators. The most detrimental effect from Web 2.0 is the manipulating of access to selective information. To maintain high users’ traffic, bots and algorithms are created to present readers with “trending” posts aim to drive controversy discussions, users’ engagement, and ultimately advertisement income. In essence, these algorithms rank posts based on the gains of the corporates rather than that of the users; posts that are fake, incite fears and hatred may rank high because they bring in higher ad incomes for the corporates but present a skewed view of reality to the readers. These tech giants are now pouring billions into building their version of metaverse, a universe with distorted views orchestrated by these opaque algorithms and proprietary protocols.

The openness brought to mankind by Web 1.0 were outpaced by Web 2.0 which is dominated by proprietary protocols with specific objective to drive corporate profits. MetaLife social network creates the new paradigm where individuals’ right to ownership, privacy, value creation, fair competition and self-governance that was stripped away in Web 2.0 is fully attained. It achieves the goal of building on the principal of Web 3.0 – fully decentralized from connectivity to application layers, by the novel communication and network protocols that support not only online but also offline communication and transaction among all human and things, i.e., a network for Everything without the reliance on internet. In addition, in this digitalization era where both data and values are created on the internet, MetaLife pioneers “token-switching” protocol allowing both data and values to be transmitted concurrently.

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